

Offering a range of quality dental services to meet all your oral health needs. Expert care for a healthier smile.

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Maintain oral health with routine cleanings, exams, and personalized dental care advice

Exams and Cleanings

At Dental City you’ll enjoy modern dentistry. Our dental exam includes a complete set of digital x-rays, an oral exam and discussion of any concerns, comprehensive treatment options and digital scanner for additional dental studies.

Routine dental cleanings help remove bacteria plaque and tartar from your teeth. Our cleaning includes plaque removal from around your gum line and between your teeth, a nice enamel polish and fluoride application. Come and visit us every 6 months for a pamper to your smile!

Dental Sealants

With a thin protective coating we will protect the surface of your back teeth and can be easily done during a routine dental exam and cleaning.


Stop grinding your teeth at night and protect them from chipping.


Restore your smile’s function and appearance with fillings, crowns, and bridges

Full Mouth Rehabilitations

When it comes to multiple dental issues or a mouth full of decayed or missing teeth, a full mouth reconstruction could be a good option for you. We will use technology to examine your mouth to develop a full understanding of the state of your oral and dental health and the right treatment plan that fixes all issues in a comprehensive way.


You can bring back the original shape, size and color to your tooth protecting its remaining structure. They are porcelain custom designed to fit your mouth. They are mostly used after a root canal or dental implant procedure. We can make crown bridges too.

White Cavity Fillings

Tooth decay treatment is easier and more comfortable with advanced imaging, technology and natural-looking filling materials helping stop a small decay from spreading and becoming a major problem.

Inlays and Onlays

Large areas of decay, chips, cracks and other cosmetic concerns can be treated with these. Inlays will fill a cavity too large; onlays will fill a large cavity and also recover the cusp of your tooth.


Enhance your smile’s beauty with whitening, veneers, and cosmetic treatments

Digital Smile Design

When it comes to a smile makeover, strategic digital smile design is what will lead us to a single treatment or multiple treatments to reach your goals and improve your self-confidence and how you feel about your smile.

Invisible Aligners

The most easy and efficient way for adults and teens to straighten their teeth discreetly and comfortably.


We know that with all the coffee, wine, soda, tobacco, and other foods it's hard to keep your teeth white. With our professional teeth whitening you will be able to restore the natural color of your teeth or even make them whiter if you’d like. An incredible way to make you more confident with your smile.


Improve the appearance of your teeth and smile with custom-made porcelain or resin shells that fit your teeth. They will quickly and dramatically transform spaces and gaps between teeth, uneven or crooked teeth, broken or chipped teeth or severely discolored teeth.


Expert surgical interventions for wisdom teeth removal, implants, and oral health issues


When dealing with missing, broken or severely damaged teeth, your confidence can suffer but most importantly your health. We make the dental implant process the easiest and most comfortable experience possible. Our experts have placed thousands of long-lasting implants with the highest-quality biocompatible materials for long-lasting results.

All-on-4 / All-on-6 Dental Supported Dentures

If you are suffering from tooth loss and you are looking for something that is not removable dentures, we got you. Overdentures with dental implants provide a comfortable and secure fit while giving you your teeth back.

Bone Grafting

If you've had periodontal disease, empty spaces following tooth extractions, or missing teeth, with this dental technique you will be able to recover sufficient healthy natural bone to have your dental implant supported.

Gum Reduction

A gummy smile is not a bad thing but some patients find it displeasing. With the use of a digital smile design and 3D technology we will have the full picture of your gum health and the right treatment for you.


Our conscious sedation will allow you to relax and reduce pain during your dental procedure. You relax, we work.


Removing a tooth is always a last resort, our priority is to save your tooth. However when tooth damage is so extensive causing pain, decay has made the tooth impossible to restore or bone loss has occurred because of an infection, an extraction is necessary. Also, wisdom teeth often need to be extracted to improve dental and jaw health. We offer you high-quality care and comfort when an extraction needs to be done.

Root Canal

If you are suffering from a deep decay and infection we can save your tooth from extraction in a comfortable and stress-free appointment. Root canal is a safe, simple and effective way to save your tooth.

Learn more about our clinic

Meet the caring professionals at Dental City and see photos of our clinic in Guatemala.